Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism Germans from Russia Group Tour Heritage Park

Germans from Russia Group Tour Heritage Park [PHOTOS]


It’s great to see a charter bus stopping at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park.  This past Sunday afternoon about 25 guests from the Lincoln chapter of the Germans from Russia organization toured the park.  Henderson was the final leg of their trip that started in Sutton.  They visited several places of historical interest in Sutton and ate a German meal at the Legion Club.  Afterwards they visited the German Reformed Church and then headed over to the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park.

Before touring the park they were given a historical overview about the Mennonites who came to Henderson by Adeline Huebert.  Their tour was planned by Sutton native Ron Griess who is a member of the organization and lives in Lincoln.  Their chapter has just recently begun taking bus tours annually in and around the state.


The park will officially open Memorial weekend Saturday through Monday from 1 – 4 P.M.  Summer hours will resume with the park being open Wednesday – Saturday from 1 – 4 P.M.  through Labor Day weekend.  It is always available by appointment by calling 402-723-5793.