Home Events Henderson Heritage to Present Reenactment of “Living the Anabaptist Story”

Henderson Heritage to Present Reenactment of “Living the Anabaptist Story”


Don’t miss this special event reenacting the Anabaptist Story at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park on Sunday, April 21st.

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the first Mennonite immigrants’ arrival in the Henderson area in 1874, Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park will feature a reenactment of the Anabaptist story.

It will be held on Sunday, April 21, 6:30 p.m. at Heritage Park. “Living the Anabaptist Story” will be an event where history comes alive, featuring local performers playing various parts. The story will begin with the Reformation and end with the persecutions endured by the Anabaptists.

Visitors will receive a card with the name and information about an actual Anabaptist from the 1500s. At the end of the program, it will be revealed whether the person on their card survived a martyr’s death.

Dramatic scenes will be performed at different locations in the park, featuring Martin Luther, Menno Simons, and a staged debate between Conrad Grebel and Huldrych Zwingli, who were all involved in the Reformation movement.

A reenactment of the first adult baptism will take place, with George Blaurock being baptized by Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz.

Stories will be shared about two women, Elizabeth Dirks, who suffered a martyr’s death by drowning, and Hadewyck, who was imprisoned for her religious beliefs but escaped.

The last drama during the event will be “The Dungeon and Torture,” where visitors will learn of the hardship and terror of those persecuted for their religious beliefs.

Come out for this unique event and enjoy a live presentation of “Living the Anabaptist Story.” There is no charge for the event, although a traditional wicker basket offering will be taken.

Golf carts are available to transport guests to the different locations at the park during the program. A closing back at the church will offer a time for questions and discussion. Cookies and coffee will be available.

The Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park is located 1 ½ miles south of the Henderson I-80 Exit #342 on spur 93A. For more information, contact Suzanne at 402-723-4252.