Home Faith MUMS Featuring Dayna Wulf

MUMS Featuring Dayna Wulf


Monday, March 11, 7 p.m.

Have you ever been on a tour of a mansion or a very large elaborate house?  I actually just went to an old mansion in Nebraska City this past spring.  When you first look at it from the outside it is a picture of grandure and has stately columns at the entrance.

As you approach, the stairs are wide and help to guide you to what’s inside.  After entering, there is a guide to greet you and begins to tell you a little bit about the mansion. At first all you see is the foyer, but as you begin to look around you see a couple of rooms in the distance.  This starts you on a journey of learning all about how each room has its own uniqueness.  Walking through each of these rooms you see the ornate decor and intentionality behind everything and its placements in the room.  Although, I’ve never lived in a mansion, I could easily see myself living there.  Beauty, discovery, and depth all around.  

Such as it is when we think about this verse: John 14:2

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Join us for a deeper understanding of this verse and the practical way we are invited to live out our Christ-lives as we journey towards our heavenly home.

Everyone is welcome to attend MUMS (Mothers Uplifting Mothers) on Monday, March 11, at 7. p.m. at Faith Evangelical Bible Church fellowship hall. Coffee is on at 6:30 for those who want to come early for fellowship.