Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism Bluestem Writer’s Workshop

Bluestem Writer’s Workshop


All writers from novice to advanced are welcome to participate in bluestemthe Bluestem Writer’s Workshop at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park on Saturday, June 27, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. This is a place inspired one day workshop where writers will discover their stories during directed writing and reading sessions held at the Immigrant House Museum, Country Mennonite Church, and Epp Barn.

A traditional Faspa Lunch will be served over the noon hour in addition to morning and afternoon ethnic snacks. Author Gina Barlean (www.gmbarlean.com) from David City, Nebraska, will be the guest speaker during lunch. Author book tables will be available for viewing and free drawings for selected books.

Participants may register by emailing mshannon.siebert@gmail.com or call 402-723-4632. The registration fee is $30 and the deadline is June 20. More information on the event can be viewed at www.hendersonheritage.org. This event is sponsored by the Bluestem Bookclub and all proceeds will go towards the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park.