Home News Primary Election Filing Start Date Has Arrived

Primary Election Filing Start Date Has Arrived


Henderson Mayor & City Council Seats Up For Election

York County Press Release

YORK – Interested candidates are now able to start filing their intentions for the Primary Election, pertaining to local positions.

Filings begin today, Jan. 5.
Incumbents have until Feb. 15 to file their intentions. Non-incumbents have until March 1.
The following local races are up for consideration in the 2024 election cycle and filings need to take place with the Primary Election period:

  • District 2 York County Commissioner (representing Stewart, Thayer, New York, Waco, Beaver, West Blue and Ward 1). This was previously filled by Woody Ziegler who was appointed in January of 2023. This term will end at the end of 2024, so it will be on the next ballot. Following Ziegler’s death in mid-December, a vacancy was declared for that district and an appointment will be made yet this month. The person appointed to the seat will have to file as an incumbent if they want to continue to serve in 2024.
  • District 5 York County Commissioner (representing Wards 4A and 4B). This is currently filled by Jack Sikes.
  • Henderson Mayor. This is currently filled by Corbin Tessman.
  • Henderson City Council seat. One seat will be up for election. That seat is currently filled by Kevin Friesen.
  • York Mayor. This is currently filled by Barry Redfern.
  • York City Council seats. Four seats will be up for election. These seats are currently filled by Tony North, Jennifer Sheppard, Jerry Wilkinson and Mathew Wagner.
  • McCool School Board seats. Three seats will be up for election. These seats are currently filled by Steve Gerken, Michele Schwartz and Doug Smith.
  • York School Board seats. Three seats will be up for election. These seats are currently filled by Brien Alley, Matt Holthe and Amie Kopcho.

Candidate filing can be achieved at the election/clerk offices which are located on the main floor of the courthouse.
It should be noted the county commissioner candidates must live within the boundaries of that district in order to run.
All city/school board candidates must live within the municipal limits or within the school district boundaries to run.