Home Living Harmon Perez Travels Abroad to Spain For Semester

Harmon Perez Travels Abroad to Spain For Semester


Harmon Perez Junior at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln majoring in Secondary-Spanish Education with endorsements in English as a second language (ESL) and a coaching endorsement Harmon also has a minor in international studies.

Harmon took a semester abroad in Salamanca, Spain to study what he loves most, Spanish! While in Salamanca, he learned so much from the culture to everyday living and many different types of food. Harmon wanted to go to Spain to study the Spanish language and culture.

“I lived in Salamanca, Spain, which is often called “La cuidad del español” which means the city of Spanish. This is because Salamanca is full of Spanish speakers from all around the world due to the fact the city has two popular universities which are known for attracting international students.”

Harmon had many favorite parts of his trip although one thing does stand out more than the other. “My favorite part about Spain was experiencing and living the culture every day. During college, I had already learned a bit about Spanish culture, but actually living the culture was an experience I will never forget!”

Harmon found out things about the culture of Spain that was completely different from what he’s used to, going from a fast-paced busy America to Spain being so laid-back was a shock in itself.

“Spanish culture is a very laid-back culture, which means if you make plans to meet with someone, you can expect them to arrive fifteen minutes late. Although being from America, where our culture dictates you to arrive 15 minutes early, it was oddly relaxing to not feel the stress of having to arrive early to events or meeting with friends.”

Harmon fell in love with the culture that Spain had to offer, the sites were beautiful to see every day but the food tops one of his favorites.

“I took a cooking class while I was in Spain. I learned how to cook Paella, Crème brûlée, Spanish tortillas, and a popular beverage called sangria. My favorite food was the Spanish tortilla because it was a very filling breakfast that was very cheap to buy. Some mornings, I would arrive at my favorite cafeteria to order a Spanish tortilla and a café con Leche (latte)”

Most of Harmons time spent in Spain was in the city of Salamanca, he also got to explore other countries and cities as well. Travel is cheap in Spain so he went to all the places he could.

“I traveled a lot while I was in Spain. I took a three-day trip to Portugal to see the ocean and to site see. I also went to Barcelona which was by far my favorite part of the trip, there was so much to do there! I went to a festival in Cuidad Rodrigo to celebrate the bull festival also known as Festival del Torro which included a bullfight and running of the bulls, I also visited Ávila, Zaragoza, Toro, and Madrid.”

Harmon said that his biggest takeaway from the trip was not being afraid to step into another culture even if it’s completely different from what you’re used to.

 “It can seem scary to be in another culture and there might be a list of things you hate about their culture, but as you live in another country you will see as the list of things you hate slowly turn into things you love, For example, I hated that all business close from 2-4 every day for a siesta (nap) but eventually, I learned to understand this.”

Spanish has always been something Harmon has loved so for college it was an easy decision to study Secondary Spanish Education.

“I have always had the desire to learn Spanish and it was an easy decision to find a job where I can use Spanish.”

Although Harmon has always loved Spanish, what attracted him the most to the language was the Spanish culture.

“I loved the fact that the Spanish language is direct and straight to the point, small talk can sometimes be seen as a waste of time, in Spain small talk doesn’t really exist.”

Harmon has a deep love for the Spanish language that shows both through his work and the way he treats the language itself. If you happen to see Harmon around be sure to ask about his adventure around Spain!