Home Other Entertainment Heartland’s Very Own ‘Hugo’ Matinee

Heartland’s Very Own ‘Hugo’ Matinee


This weekend, York’s Sun Theater will be showing the new movie HUGO, which is based on the Caldecott award-winning children’s book The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It tells the story of an orphaned boy living in Paris during the 1930’s and has been a box office success since its opening on November 23.

Heartland’s current seventh graders have a connection to this book and movie. When they were in fourth grade they read the entire book, learned of Hugo’s love of silent movies and discovered Nebraska’s silent film star, Harold Lloyd. The students then wrote to the book’s author, Brian Selznick and Harold’s granddaughter, Suzanne Lloyd. Since then they have continued to communicate yearly with Brian and Suzanne, keeping them up-to-date on their lives here in Nebraska. Mr. Selznick has written to the class about the making of the movie HUGO, so the students have been anticipating the movie’s release.

Thanks to the generosity of the Sun Theater, a special Heartland: Henderson/Bradshaw showing will be on Saturday morning at 11:30. The tickets have been discounted to only $3.00 per person, which is an unbelievable price for viewing a 3-D movie. The theater doors open at 11:00 A.M. and tickets can be purchased then. Concessions will be available.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this exciting event. There will be room for everyone. If there is an overflowing crowd, another showing of the movie will be available in one of their other theaters at the same time, although the added showing will not be in 3-D.

This is a wonderful family movie for all generations to enjoy, so let’s make this a day to remember and fill the York Sun Theater with Henderson/Bradshaw Hugo fans. You won’t be disappointed. In the words of Heartland’s seventh graders, “It’s a dream come true.”

What: Personal showing of the 3-D movie HUGO

When: Saturday, December 10th at 11:30 A.M.

Where: York Sun Theater

Who: All Heartland/Harold/Hugo fans, moms, dads, siblings, friends, etc.

Cost: $3.00 per person

From a very excited Mrs. Suzanne Ratzlaff
(402) 723-4252
(402) 694-8669

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