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York County Fair Schedule of Events
Check out the jam-packed schedule of events for the upcoming York County Fair!
Henderson Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks Safety Information
Be safe this 4th of July and read the Henderson fireworks ordinance and safety tips!
A Different Kind of Family Reunion
Farmers Valley Cemetery held its annual Memorial Day service and pot luck dinner.
10 Years Ago on Heartlandbeat
It's always interesting to look back and remember what our world was paying attention to and reflect on how things may or may not...
Heartland Teacher/Coach Erik Wetjen Shares Benefits for the Proposed North Additions/Upgrades...
Read what long time Heartland Coach & P.E. teacher Erik Wetjen believes are the benefits for the North additions if the Heartland bond passes.
It’s Not Over: Fight Over Costly Voucher Schemes Will Continue
Public school supporters to continue the fight against using public funds to pay for private schools.
Byron & Teresa Friesen Say It’s Time–Vote For the May 14...
Byron & Teresa Friesen have deep roots with Heartland Community School and support the passage of the May 14 Bond.