Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism Heartland 4th Grade Attends Country School

Heartland 4th Grade Attends Country School [PHOTOS]


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The Heartland (Henderson-Bradshaw) 4th grade class spent Friday, May 2, at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park attending country school. They spent the first part of the morning doing class work. A guided tour to all the buildings incorporated a lot of the local early settlement history of the Henderson community.

Students brought their own sack lunches. During recess they were able to play old fashioned games such as softball, walking on stilts, and more.

Part of the day was spent making homemade butter which was spread on homemade bread. The children enjoyed brownies made with the buttermilk, showing that nothing was ever thrown away. On display were several old butter churns that are artifacts at the Heritage Park Museum.

The Heritage Park encourages any group in the area to come and enjoy a day at the Country School and learn all about a part of our areas early history.

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