Home News It’s a Winter Wonderland after 8 plus Inches of Snow in the...

It’s a Winter Wonderland after 8 plus Inches of Snow in the Area!


The wet and heavy snow was perfect for snowman-making like this one someone built in the downtown park.

It’s time to dig out as well as have some fun in the nearly a foot of snow our area had the past two days. There was no shortage of tractors, bobcats, ATV’s with blades, snow blowers and good old fashioned shoveling going on Tuesday afternoon!

The City of Henderson employees worked until 10:30 p.m. Monday night clearing roads and were back at it at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning, according to City Clerk Connie Brown. It really helps when our City stays ahead of the snow removal so everyone can get out if needed.

Kudos to the City for clearing the south and west sides of the Lakeview Park walk path! This path is used all year round, and it’s greatly appreciated when it’s cleared.

You can always find kids on top of the mountains of snow made possible by Main Street’s and Birch Street’s snow removal.

Lakeview Park is a favorite spot for tubing, sledding, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. If the temperatures drop as predicted there will be plenty of ice on the lake for skating by the weekend.