When in-person schooling dismissed on March 17, the Heartland Seniors were thrown for a loop as they looked to their final quarter activities. Those weeks usually hold the culminating banquets, ceremonies, and memories. Many students had already printed their graduation invitations in anticipation and celebration; it was hard to understand just how different and disappointing the following weeks would be.

When it became clear that school was likely not going to resume for the reminder of the 2019-20 year, many questions were raised about graduation particularly. Would these seniors even be able have an in-person ceremony? That can be a hard reality to muse over for such a significant milestone.

With optimism, however, graduation was rescheduled for Saturday, August 1, at 2:00 p.m. Now that weekend has arrived! It will not be the familiar gymnasium packed with friends and family, but it will be a safe, formal recognition.

Since only ticket holders are able to attend the small ceremony, all others are invited to tune into Striv and watch it on the Heartland channel page.

Congratulations to the graduates! You will certainly have a memorable story to take with you!