Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [May 22, 2014]


Coming Events
May 27, 2014 – Extension Board Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Extension Office, York

Cropping Update
We’ve been seeing some light yellow corn and soybeans as a result of the excessive rains and several days of cloudy weather.  It’s been nice to finally see some sunshine the last few days.  The crops have not really made much progress with highs in the 60’s and lows in the 30’s and 40’s.  Hopefully things have now turned around the crops will begin to take off because we know that the weeds will.

This past heavy rain event has been much like some of our hail storms of the past.  We want to get out and assess the situations, but often it’s best to simply wait a while before making any decision.  This week’s CropWatch article has several useful stories related to assessing flooding and storm damage, check it out at: http://cropwatch.unl.edu.  The Iowa Integrated Crop News also has a story about assessing frost and cold damage: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/CropNews/2014/05-16licht.htm.

If you have few minutes, I need your help. As we plan future cropping system plans, we’re wanting input from producers/crop consultants on what research-based, cropping systems information you are looking for now and what do you think you’ll need in the future?  Please take a few moments to take this short survey assessing current and future needs. Information provided will influence the future direction of UNL Extension programming and research. Thanks in advance for completing the survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F7CSPCT.

Farm Bill Webinar
The 2014 Farm Bill provides agricultural producers with a variety of different programs and opportunities to participate; however, the decisions facing them have never been more complex.  With this in mind, UNL Extension will be hosting a public webinar open to any interested party, to assist the producer with these decisions.  The following are details on how to participate:

Name:              Farm Bill Public Webinar
URL:                 https://connect.unl.edu/publicfarmbill/
Start Time:        10:00am Central Time Zone
Start Date:         May 21, 2014
Duration:           2 hours

Participants will need to have adequate speakers with their computer to hear the presentation.  This meeting will also be archived for later viewing; however those connecting live will have an opportunity to ask questions of the speaker.  If you have additional questions, direct them to Tim Lemmons, Ext. Educator, at tlemmons2@unl.edu.

NAWMN Update
The next few weeks we’re going to be assisting new cooperators to the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network install Watermark Sensors and ETgages.  Now’s the time to get your sensors out and soaked prior to installing them.

I’ve installed my ETgages have been reading and post then the past few weeks.  This information is available at: http://water.unl.edu/NAWMN, click on the ETgage tool link.

If you are new to using ETgages or Watermark Sensors, our office would be glad to assist you.  Just give me a call 402-362-5508 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.  We’d be glad to help demonstrate installing them.  We also just prepared an article for CropWatch about using these two tools.  Check it out at:  http://cropwatch.unl.edu.