Home News Henderson ACS Fundraising Effort Successful

Henderson ACS Fundraising Effort Successful [PHOTOS]

Jim Epp accompanies his mother, JoAnn Epp, as they walk around the 'track'.
Jim Epp accompanies his mother, JoAnn Epp, as they walk around the 'track'.
Jim Epp accompanies his mother, JoAnn Epp, as they walk around the ‘track’.

The TeamHenderson Relay for Life team recently completed their 2013 fundraising campaign for the American Cancer Society.

A total of $7,422.00 was raised through door-to-door stops, word-of-mouth, and mailings, as well as the sale of homemade cinnamon rolls at the relay event that took place at the York County Fairgrounds on June 1st.  The 2013 fundraising total was a bit less than what was raised a year ago, however there were only six team members this year compared to a team of ten in 2012.

In spite of their small team size, TeamHenderson was the second highest fundraising team in York County!  A big thank you to everyone who was willing to donate money to our effort, and a special thanks to those who baked the delicious cinnamon rolls that were sold from our ‘campsite’ at the event.  The rolls sold out quickly.

This year’s team included co-captains Kim Epp and Kathryn Goertzen, Sharon Chvatal, Barb Cox, Melissa Goertzen, and Jessica Siebert.

Cancer Survivor Jean Cox was fortunate to have many of her family members walk with her during the relay.
Cancer Survivor Jean Cox was fortunate to have many of her family members walk with her during the relay.
Kim Goossen and Tierney Casper were an enthusiastic sales team as they helped sell homemade cinnamon rolls at the Relay for Life event.
Kim Goossen and Tierney Casper were an enthusiastic sales team as they helped sell homemade cinnamon rolls at the Relay for Life event.

Article and photos courtesy of Kathryn Goertzen