Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [January 31, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Jan. 31 – Soybean Management Field Day Research Update, Noon-3:00 p.m., Wunderlich’s Catering, Columbus, 304 23rd St., Columbus (on Highway 30), 402-563-4901
  • Jan. 31 – Soybean Management Field Day Research Update, 6:00-9:00 p.m., Hruska Memorial Public Library, David City, 399 Fifth St., 402-367-7410
  • Feb. 5 – Farm Estate and Transition Planning Workshop, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., ARDC near Mead, 402-624-8030 to register
  • Feb. 8 – Private Pesticide Training, 9:00 a.m., 4-H Building, York
  • Feb. 11 – Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., UNL’s ARDC near Mead
  • Feb. 12 – Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York
  • Feb. 12 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • Feb. 19 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • Feb. 20 – Private Pesticide Training, 9:00 a.m., 4-H Building, Aurora
  • Feb. 21-22 – Women in Agriculture Conference, Kearney, http://wia.unl.edu/
  • Feb. 26 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • Feb. 26-27 – Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Kearney Holiday Inn, Kearney, http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/irrigate/cpia.htm
  • March 5 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • March 11 – Private Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York
  • March 11 – Chemigation Training, 1:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York
  • March 12 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • March 19 – Master Gardening Connect Session, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • March 27 – Farm Estate and Transition Planning Workshop, 9:00-3:30 p.m., York Country Club, 402-362-5508 to register

Weather Update
When I go check the weather data, it looks like we had considerable cloudiness, but little moisture. Hopefully, it’s a start of things to come? Just not a lot of moisture in the fog?

Soybean Management Field Day Research Updates Planned
Just a reminder about the Soybean Management Field Day Research Updates planned for January 31 in Columbus from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. and in David City from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.  At these updates, University of Nebraska faculty will share and discuss yield results from each of the four Research Update locations.

Research Update topics will include:

1)Quest for the Holy Grail in Soybean Production (Row spacing/seed rate, fungicides; plant populations/planting date and maturity group interactions).

2)Soybean Seed Treatments and Foliar Fungicides and Growth Enhancement Interactions with Herbicides.

3)Herbicide – Carrier Rate Study

A complimentary meal is included, but you need to RSVP to the Nebraska Soybean Board at (800)852-BEAN, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension at (800)529-8030, or the respective host county extension office at the number listed in my list of coming events.

On-Farm Research Updates Planned
As Jenny Rees, mentioned in her latest column, as you attend meetings and read information about products and production practices, ask yourself will it work on my farm? But then, put that question into action! Consider answering the question for yourself by conducting on-farm research! For over 20 years, UNL Extension has worked with farmers and ag industry to help conduct on-farm research. Now the on-farm research effort is a state-wide one with support from the Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Corn Growers Association. Three main studies we plan to address this coming year are corn populations, nitrogen studies in corn, and irrigation studies. However, studies regarding all crops in rotation with corn are also welcome.

In an effort to do exactly what Jenny mentioned, I hope you will be able to attend one of the two meeting coming up February 11 and 12 at the ARDC near Mead and in York at the 4-H Building. You will learn about the research results from our on-farm research studies in 2012 and learn how you can be involved in 2013 if you’d like! There is no cost to attend because Farm Credit Services of America are helping sponsoring these meetings, but please pre-register for meal count by calling (402)624-8030 for ARDC for the Feb. 11 meeting or calling (402)362-5508 for the Feb. 12Â program in York. More information about the On-Farm Research Updates is available at: http://york.unl.edu/crops-future. Hopefully, we’ll see you there!

Farm Estate and Transition Planning Workshops Planned
A Farm Estate and Transition Planning Workshop will be held at the UNL ARDC located near Mead on Feb. 5. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. followed by the workshop from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  We will also be hosting with workshop at the York Country Club on Wednesday, March 27!

The workshop offers reliable, useful discussion of business, family and tax issues involved in passing on the family farm or ranch, and the legal tools that are used to address those issues. Topics include: determining goals, family dynamics and expectations in a business setting, financial viability, the transfer process, estate and gift tax, inheritance tax, efficient methods of transfer, probate, wills, trusts, titling, basis, long-term care, Medicaid, powers of attorney and use of entities.

Dave Goeller, director, UNL North Central Risk Management Center and Beginning Farmer Program coordinator, and Joe Hawbaker, agricultural law attorney, will present the program. They will discuss preparing to make a plan, reviewing existing plans, being a good consumer of legal and estate planning services and what others have done and how their plans have worked. The role of an estate planning attorney like Giles & Robinson, P.A. is crucial to every individual, whether young or old.

There is no fee for this workshop, courtesy of the Nebraska Network for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers, the Farm and Ranch Project of Legal Aid of Nebraska, the Risk Management Agency of the USDA, Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s Farm Mediation, UNL Extension, and Saunders County Independent Bankers Association. Lunch will be provided compliments of the Saunders County Independent Bankers Association. To register, call the Rural Response Hotline at 800-464-0258.

To register, for the March 27 workshop in York contact our office at 402-362-5508.

Scholarship Opportunities
I want to remind area students of several scholarship opportunities. Information about them can be found on our webpage at:  http://york.unl.edu/web/york/4hscholarships. The Corn Grower and Chamber of Commerce scholarships are due February 15, 2013, the Pork Producer scholarship is due March 1, 2013, and the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards (NACEB) Scholarship Program is due March 15, 2013.

Congratulations 4-H Leaders/Volunteers
I just want to take a little time to say congratulations and thank-you to all the 4-H Leaders recognized for years of service at our 68th Annual 4-H Leader Recognition Banquet held Sunday night at Chances R!  Thirteen leaders were recognized for 75 years of service to our youth. Those being recognized were Nancy Pavel, Joni Bushnell, Nance Dob, Russ Linhart, Mark Brugger, Gary Buller, Lori Mittman, Wayne Bruns, Kara Rauert, Megan Crowder, Kellen Jorgensen, Nancy Heine, and Kelvin Jorgensen. If you see them in the next few days, be sure to congratulate them for a job well done!

Horticulture Connect Sessions Begin February 12
I’ve mentioned it several times! We’ve got some great Master Gardening/Horticulture Connect Sessions planned.  If you have not signed up yet, do so soon so that adequate materials can be obtained.  Topics include:

Feb. 12 – Adapted/Native Plants – Steve Rodie & Kim Todd

Feb. 19 – Drought Recovery & Water Wise Landscape Practices – John Fech & Laurie Stepanek

Feb. 26 – Soil and Soil Management – Brad Jakubowski

March 5 – Lawn Disease and Insect Control – Amy Timmerman and Jim Kalisch

March 12 – Extension Master Gardener Orientation and Container Gardening – Terri James

March 19 – Household Insects and Bedbugs – Barb Ogg

Cost for the general public is $5.00/session or $15.00 for the series. Cost for our Master Gardeners to attend the series is $5.00. Info about the sessions or to register can be found at: http://york.unl.edu/water-environment.