Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [October 25, 2012]


Coming Events

  • Nov. 1 – Ag at the Crossroad Conference, 9:00 a.m. Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln, Call Toll Free to 800-535-3456 to register by October 29th
  • Nov. 13 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Legion Hall, Fairmont, Call 402-759-3712 to register
  • Nov. 15 – York County Corn Grower Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Chances R, York
  • Nov. 15 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Fairgrounds, Hastings, Call 308-461-7209 to register
  • Nov. 15 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 5:30 – 9 p.m., Extension Office/College Park, Grand Island, Call 308-385-5088 to register
  • Nov. 26 – Extension Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Extension Office, York

Cropping Update
What a great weekend!  Not a lot of wind and some warmer than normal temperatures!  I even got up Monday morning to a little fog and mist!  Hopefully it’s only a sign of more moisture to come.

If you are interested in the York County Corn Grower Plot or the RoundUp Ready Plot results, they are posted on our website at: http://york.unl.edu/web/york/plotresults. If you don’t have internet access, you can always stop by our office located at 2345 Nebraska and pick up a copy of the results.

I’ve talked to several producers and crop consultants and they’ve been out collecting soil samples for residual nitrate analysis as well as other nutrients.  With today’s input and commodity prices as well as the variable weather and yields we’ve experienced this past year, it’s probably more important now than ever to accurately collect soil samples, have them analyzed and interpreted!  For the latest UNL fertilizer suggestions for corn, check out our publication “Fertilizer Suggestions for Corn” on the web at:     http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/ec117/build/ec117.pdf.

It’s important to take into account soil organic matter as well as legume credits when making fertilization recommendations.  Each 1% of organic matter is a reduction of about 30 pounds less nitrogen that needs to be applied.  In addition, it’s important to reduce nitrogen applications following legumes like soybeans.  We typically adjust the rate down by 45-50 pounds following soybeans.

So, what’s your carryover soil nitrate level in ppm?  In generally, you can reduce your N application by about 25 pounds for each 3 ppm soil nitrate you have in your profile.  Our “Fertilizer Suggestions for Corn” also has a price adjustment factor to adjust recommendations based on both fertilizer and corn prices.  So I hope you’ll check it out.

Finally, if you go to this link: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/soils/home/, you can go to our Soil Test Nebraska website to calculate fertilizer recommendations based on your soil test results.

Returning to the Farm Workshop Planned
The past several years our UNL Agricultural Economic Department has conducted “Returning to the Farm Workshops” designed for farm families transitioning their operation.  This year the sessions will be held Friday Dec. 7th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m., Saturday Dec. 8th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday Jan. 11th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m., and Sat. 12th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Lincoln at the Holiday Inn Downtown.

The cost of the conference is $350 for the first 4 family members, plus $40 for each family member after the first 4. This fee covers instruction, handout materials, meeting room costs, refreshment breaks, Saturday continental breakfast and most meals.  The registration deadline is November 30, 2012 and it’s limited to the first 15 families with paid registrations.

Landlord/Tenant Workshops
Last winter, we hosted one of the Landlord/Tenant Workshops and this year several more are planned with updated information.  Developing farm cash leases that meet the needs of both landlord and tenant, while maintaining a positive relationship, is the goal of these workshops.  Both tenants and the landlord are encouraged to attend!

Topics include:  Expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property; Lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord; Tips for farm leases that include relatives; Alternative cash lease arrangements, flexible provision considerations for your situation; How the 2012 drought affects leases, irrigation systems, grain bin rental, and other topics related to leases will be discussed as time allows.

These free workshops are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board and the North Central Risk Management Agency.  A meal and handouts are included. Participation is limited. To register, contact the local UNL Extension office hosting the workshop.  Check out my list of coming events for meeting dates/locations in Fremont, Hastings, and Grand Island.  One additional meeting in our area is planned for Dec. 13th in Osceola at the fairgrounds.

Ag at the Crossroads Conference Planned
Ag at the Crossroad Conference is planned for November 1st at the Lancaster Event Center, 4100 N 84th St,  Lincoln.  The conference will focus on the Nebraska Ag Economy, Land Values and Use, New Crop Frontiers, Crop Markets and Use, and how farms and ag businesses respond to the opportunities and uncertainties of “The New Normal”.

Program Outline

  • 8:30 am Registration
  • 9:00 am Ag Economy and Lending – Farm Credit Services of America
  • 10:00 am The Next Generation of Ag Leadership – Lee Veermeer, Farmer’s National Company
  • 11:00 am The Impact of Future Crop Innovations – Tom Hoegemeyer, UNL Agronomy Department and Hoegemeyer Hybrids
  • 11:45 am The Future of UNL Extension – Chuck Hibberd, Dean and Director of UNL Extension Introduction of LEAD Fellows
  • 12:00 (noon) Lunch
  • 1:00 pm Nebraska Farm Incomes: Past and Future – Tina Barrett, Nebraska Farm Business Association
  • 2:00 pm U.S. Economic Policies, Distillers’ Grain Exports and the Price of Corn –Will There Be A Second New Normal – Dennis Conley, UNL Ag Economics
  • 3:00 pm Farm and Business Perspective – Michael Goossen, Beatrice Crop Farmer and Co-owner of Prairie Land Dairy, Mark Eisler, Gooch ADM Mills, Lincoln, NE
  • 3:45 pm Conference Close

The registration fee includes a luncheon, break and conference materials.  Registration is $50.

Conference information and a registration form is posted at: http://york.unl.edu/crops-future or call 402-472-1742 or 800-535-3456, to register and then pay at the door.  Reservation Deadline: October 29, 2012.

Lawn and Garden
What a great weekend weather-wise, a little wind and warmer than normal temperatures!  I had a chance to mow my lawn and trim up some shrubs before the cold weather hits.

Speaking of mowing, I do receive questions about how long and how high should I mow the turf in the fall.  This past week’s Turf iNfo update answers those questions.  “The answer is to keep mowing as long as the grass continues to grow, which is normally into late October or early November.  Frequency of mowing can decrease, but continue to mow regularly into the fall.  Avoid the urge to set the mower down and scalp your lawn for the final mowing.  In years past, publications have recommended mowing low late in the fall.  About the only advantage to this is that the tree leaves will blow from your lawn into the neighbor’s lawn.  Agronomically, mowing your lawn low in the last mowing should be avoided because photosynthesis is occurring deep into the fall, well beyond your last mowing.  The higher the photosynthesis, the more energy a grass plant will store for winter and next spring, and the healthier the will be next year.  Mowing off too much leaf area reduces photosynthetic capacity of a plant, reducing energy storage, and decreasing turf performance next summer.  Regular mowing into the fall is also helpful to mulch tree leaves into the lawn, which research has shown to be beneficial (http://turf.unl.edu/pdfctarticles/Octmulchtreeleaves.pdf).  Continue mowing at your regular height until the grass stops growing in the late fall, since unmowed tall grass can encourage snow mold in rare years.”

Check out the latest Turf iNfo at: http://turf.unl.edu/.