Home Living Resolution 2012: Update Scrapbooks – Advanced Registrations Being Taken NOW!

Resolution 2012: Update Scrapbooks – Advanced Registrations Being Taken NOW!


The Junior Auxiliary of Henderson Health Care Services scrapbooking event is just over two weeks away and registrations are beginning to come in.

The venue for this event (Bethesda Mennonite Church’s Fellowship Hall) in Henderson, NE is a comfortable and spacious place, however it is best to get registrations taken care of in advance to guarantee a space and to guarantee space to work with a group of friends if that is preferred.

The registration fee will not only cover a spacious area to work on your projects but also a delicious soup buffet, snacks to sustain you throughout the evening and bottled water.

Neck massages and hourly door prizes will be included in the evening activities and there will be some basic scrapbooking supplies available for purchase if needed.

This fundraiser will support various Henderson Health care projects.

To register or for additional information please contact Jerri Janzen (723-4966 or jbjanzen@mainstaycomm.net), Nora Ohrt (723-5691 or noraohrt@gmail.com) or Kathryn Goertzen (723-4931 or kgoertzen@mainstaycomm.net).

Kathryn Goertzen

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