Heartland Community Schools gets underway! This morning, Superintendent Jeremy Klein helped take a first-day picture in front of the Welcome Back Huskie sign for a Heartland student and his mom.
Heartland Community Schools has been a whirlwind this past week in anticipation of the first day of school, which finally arrived today, Thursday, August 15. This past week has been packed with student and new staff orientation meetings, sports practices for football, volleyball, and golf, the Back to School Night, computer distribution, and much more.
As if that wasn’t enough, Heartland is beginning a major construction project. Hausmann Construction began work at the end of July, and they are working closely with the Heartland Building Committee to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Certainly, adaptations will have to be made throughout the year while school is in session as the construction progresses.
At the recent Back to School Night, it was fun to see the Heartland Elementary staff embrace the construction project, wearing their hard hats and safety vests! Principal Dana Reinke did a great job at the informational session in the old gym, using a PowerPoint presentation to explain some of the changes that will be made to accommodate the building project.

Here are a few of the slides Mrs. Reinke presented that clearly show some of the changes in entering and exiting the elementary school and playground.

One important change will be where Elementary students exit after school. They will use a green sign to indicate when they may exit on the playground and a red sign to indicate when they may only exit through the main entrance to the school. The sign will be posted on the front door.

It’s an exciting time of the year, but it’s also a time to consider safety with so much more traffic in and around the school, especially with the added congestion due to construction. The Heartland administrators are fully aware of this and are working hard to ensure everyone’s safety and being proactive about how best to negotiate the challenges the new construction will bring.
It was good to see a crosswalk monitor on duty this morning. The City of Henderson has sent the school and hospital a letter recommending that employees refrain from parking on Front Street. This will make Front Street available for those who need to pick up or take kids to school.
It’s evident that all the preparations and hard work of the Heartland administrators and staff will ensure a great year for the students!