Home News Business Brooke and Terry McBride, New Operators of Sparrows Branch Café

Brooke and Terry McBride, New Operators of Sparrows Branch Café


Henderson, Nebraska, has been looking for anyone willing to start a business in the heart of a town known for its good businesses and great food. Formally known as Perks, Brooke and Terry McBride are excited to step into the business world and see what it’s all about.

Brooke McBride’s dream has always been to run a café/bakery, and that dream is finally coming true! They’re beyond excited to run their café.

 “It’s always been a dream of mine to run a café and bakery, my grandma and I always said we wanted to open our own one day. Unfortunately, she passed away before we could ever do that, so finding this little café in Henderson was a God thing for sure!” Brooke said.

Brooke said, for the most part, they plan on staying with the same menu as perks, “The theme of the diner will, for the most part, stay the same such as the food aspect, a few things will change, but not all of it.”

Brooke saw a great opportunity in the community of Henderson and took it, “As I said, I’ve always wanted to open a business of my own, and seeing the opportunity Henderson had to offer, I knew it was a great choice.”

Brooke and Terry are excited to get to know the community of Henderson, the people in it, and the other businesses, “We’re so excited to just get it up and established. I’m excited for it to be a fun and peaceful place for people to gather with family and friends or even to just come to hang out whenever.”

Brooke said her grandma always loved to quote scriptures from the Bible, and she knew right away she wanted to tie her grandma’s faith into the café in any way she could.  

“We’re going to name the café Sparrow’s Branch Café. The main reason for this name is because my grandma always loved to quote scripture from the Bible, she would often talk about the sparrow and how God always kept this eye on them, protecting them, so I wanted to tire those two things together.”

If you to see Brooke and her husband Terry around the Henderson Community preparing their café to open, be sure to welcome them to the community!