Paul Brune was this year’s recipient of the annual Bradshaw VIP Award. He was presented with the award during Bradshaw Days at the Fireman’s Hamburger Feed on Saturday. He received a personalized award plaque and a larger plaque listing past VIP awards for the past 20 years.
According to Bradshaw Village Clerk Stephanie Metzger, nominations are received from community members, and the village board carefully chooses the VIP. “It’s based on someone who has lived in the community and shown volunteerism. Paul has volunteered on several committees, served on the Village Board, and currently serves on the Planning Commission,” said Metzger.
Brune was instrumental in getting the new Bradshaw marquee replaced, according to Metzger. “We are so grateful to have someone like Paul willing to step in and help whenever and wherever he is needed. He is a key person in growing our community for the better.”

Brune knows Bradshaw’s needs well since he and his wife Diane moved there in 1992 and raised their two children, Michael and Sara. He has a strong history of volunteering and leadership while serving on various York County boards. He was on the Heartland Community School Board for 13 years, the York County Extension Board for six years, and currently is the Director of the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards.
Bradshaw participated in the Marketing Hometown Town America project several years ago, and Brune led the group. He helped them accomplish many projects, such as welcome baskets for new residents and a list of other ideas for growing and marketing Bradshaw.
He has worked at NPPD since he graduated from college, where he is a Senior Project Manager. “It takes a lot of people to improve a community by volunteering their time, and I’m just one of them,” said Brune.
When Brune accepted the award, he shared why he believed in taking the time to help his community. “I remember as a young man sitting around the supper table with my folks and us six kids and my dad saying you all need to grow up to be contributing citizens of society. Because if we all contribute, we all do better. I guess that’s kinda what stuck in my mind, and I think people do need to dedicate their abilities and time for the betterment of everyone,” said Brune.
He certainly has utilized his abilities for the betterment of Bradshaw and York County and is worthy of receiving the Bradshaw 2024 VIP Award. Congratulations!