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TeamHenderson Last Minute Reports and Reminders


Preliminary totals for the local American Cancer Relay for Life fundraising effort are in and the community has been supportive and generous. The TeamHenderson total turned in at “banknight” on Monday was just over $5,200. Local team members may continue to collect donations right up to the event on Saturday night.

The Relay events will take place at the York County Fairgrounds on Saturday evening, July 13. Survivors are welcome to begin checking in at 5:30 p.m. T-shirts and token for ‘purchasing’ food are free to survivors who check in.

Activities will officially kick-off at 7:00 p.m. with the singing of the national anthem by Tierney Casper. Tierney is a recent graduate of Heartland High School and has been a member of the TeamHenderson fundraising effort for several years. Tierney has been dedicated to the American Cancer Society cause as she has a grandmother and several special adult friends who are cancer survivors. A ‘survivor lap’ will follow the singing of the national anthem. All cancer survivors in attendance are encouraged to walk at lap together.

All who attend the event can plan to enjoy various food options around the walking path. Each relay team will be offering food items for sale (free with tokens to cancer survivors) and all proceeds of the sales will also go to their team’s fundraising effort. TeamHenderson will be serving homemade cinnamon rolls made and donated by local bakers. Other food options include:  funnel cakes, popcorn, cotton candy, Valentino’s pizza, walking tacos, and rootbeer floats.

White luminary bags with the names of cancer survivors and people who have lost their battles with cancer are an important part of the relay event. Luminaries can be ‘purchased’ in honor or in memory of a loved one. Maelyn Huebert, presently a nursing student at Midland College, has been responsible for the Henderson luminary bags – writing names of those honored and remembered – for many years.

At dusk, the luminary bags are lit. If weather permits, the bags will encircle the outdoor walking paths. If not, the luminaries are set up in the mercantile building and will be lit there. A memorial slide show is also shown after dark.

Relay for Life represents different things to different people. For some it is a very solemn event. For others it is extremely celebratory. The theme for 2015 – in honor of the 30th anniversary of ‘relay’ – is “Party Like its 1985”. A ‘Big Hair’ contest will be part of the fun. Contestants will create the ‘big hair’ AT the event. Do not come to relay with big hair already done). The contest will begin at about 9 p.m. and will be announced. Rules include: no wigs, support devices may be used but may not be visible (hair ties, bobby pins, etc), use as much hair product as necessary. Dress for the time period is also encouraged. Winners will be selected by donations collected.

All are encouraged to attend this free event. Donations are still being taken by local members. Feel free to contact Kathryn Goertzen, Sharon Chvatal, Barb Casper, Olivia Casper and Tierney Casper with questions or donations. Donations may also be left at the Mainstay Communications office in Henderson through Friday.