Home News Multiple Multiples: Three Area Couples Give Birth to Twins

Multiple Multiples: Three Area Couples Give Birth to Twins [PHOTOS]

Mitchell and Kasey Huebert's twin girls, Emma and Ella

Having a new baby is often an arduous job. Between feedings, diaper changes, laundry, and sleeplessness, it is not a task for the faint of heart. But those duties were recently doubled for three Henderson area couples when they each gave birth to a set of twins.

These sets of twins were all born within just a few months of each other. One commonality that all of the parents share is that twins were the first children born to them; all of the couples were first-time parents. But, a defining characteristic is that each family has a different combination of sexes for their twins.

Jay and Elizabeth Goertzen with their twins Grace and Lep
Jay and Elizabeth Goertzen with their twins Grace and Leo

The first set of twins were born to Jay and Elizabeth Goertzen on September 21, 2012. Elizabeth was 36 weeks along when she delivered the babies at Saint Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln. Leo Nolan was born at 4:06 p.m. weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long. Grace Sarah was born at 4:07 p.m. weighing 4 pounds 7.8 ounces and was 17 inches long.

The couple suddenly had two children in a matter of minutes, each with their own needs. After a short stay in the hospital, avoiding any time in the NICU, the family headed home to begin their new way of life. They said the first two months were the hardest, but then the twins became more alert and the family developed a flexible routine that works well for them. This way the babies know what to expect, and there isn’t as much guesswork trying to figure why they may be upset. Otherwise, Leo and Grace are described as being easy-going babies. The couple said it has been fun to watch their individual personalities begin to bloom. Responding to what life has been like with twins, Elizabeth said, “Life has changed so much, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They’ve been such a blessing to Jay and I, and our families. I feel blessed that God chose me to be their mother and that He trusted me enough to give me two babies (even when I didn’t trust myself). They have made us grow and change, all for the better.”

Mitchell and Kasey Huebert's twin girls, Emma and Ella
Mitchell and Kasey Huebert’s twin girls, Emma and Ella

The second set of twins were born to Mitchell and Kasey Huebert on November 6, 2012. Due to the onset of pneumonia, Kasey went into labor and delivered the girls at 29 weeks gestation at Saint Elizabeth. Emma Sue was born at 8:31 p.m. weighing 2 pounds 9.8 ounces and was 15.75 inches long. Ella Rue was born at 8:32 p.m. weighing 2 pounds 12.3 ounces and measured 15.5 inches.

The couple said it was very difficult to watch their girls in the NICU struggling to breathe, but they continued to rapidly improve and exceeded expectations during the nearly two months they spent in the hospital. Fortunately, they quickly learned how to drink from a bottle and were able to rapidly gain weight. Emma was released from the hospital on December 23 and Ella was able to go home on January 1. The girls are described as being very easy babies, and Mitchell and Kasey feel that God has blessed them so much this past year with their two healthy girls.

Mike and Kelsey Bergen with their twins Jase and Jax
Mike and Kelsey Bergen with their twin boys, Jax and Jase

The third set of twins were born to Mike and Kelsey Bergen on December 26, 2012. Jax Levi was born at 7:20 a.m. weighing 6 pounds 13.5 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Jase Ryan was born at 7:21 a.m. weighing 6 pounds 3.5 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. The babies were delivered at the Henderson Hospital when Kelsey was 38 weeks along.

As expected, the first days home from the hospital were an adjustment as they had now doubled the amount of people in their household. Kelsey has found it very helpful to be organized and to plan ahead when it is possible. While organization helps, they have also learned that in some ways, you just have to figure it out as you go. The couple says that it has been a rewarding experience, although most of their days are spent changing diapers and feeding babies. After they were born, Jax and Jase had hats with their names on them so they wouldn’t be mixed up, but fortunately they are fairly easy to tell apart since they have different hair color and differ in size. Kelsey said that it has definitely been life-changing experience, but they feel very blessed to have their little boys.

It is quite special for a town of this size to have three sets of twins born in such a short span of time to couples who all call Henderson their home. What fun it will be for these multiples to grow up together and be able to relate to one another!  While these couples may have their hands full with double the work, they can also claim that they get to experience twice the love.