Home Events Bethesda Preschool Enrollment Night this Thursday

Bethesda Preschool Enrollment Night this Thursday

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You are invited to the Bethesda Preschool Enrollment Night!

“The Mission of Bethesda Preschool is to provide a Christian preschool education for young children within an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and guidance.”

All Preschool aged children (age 3 by July 31-Pre K) are invited to attend the early enrollment night at Bethesda Preschool located in the Bethesda Mennonite Church on March 20 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to see the preschool, ask questions, find out about schedule for next year, and enroll your student in preschool! Interested families will be asked to fill out enrollment paperwork during the evening. To secure your childʼs spot for the 2014-15 school year, a $80, non-refundable deposit must accompany your enrollment paperwork. Scholarships are available for families who qualify.

For questions, please contact Kori Lewis, Preschool Director, 723-4603.

* The Preschool is located inside the west doors of the church. Take a left inside the doors and then a right at the next corner. You will see the preschool!