Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [November 29, 2012]


Coming Events

  • Dec 4-6 – Nebraska Power Farming Show – Lincoln, Neb. http://nebraskapowershow.com/
  • Dec. 5-7 – 2012 Nebraska Cattlemen/Cattlewomen Convention, Kearney Holiday Inn Convention Center, Kearney, NE http://www.nebraskacattlemen.org/
  • Dec. 7 – Deficit Irrigation Workshop, Monsanto Learning Center, Gothenburg. http://water.unl.edu/web/cropswater/home $25 Register to Chuck Burr at chuck.burr@unl.edu
  • Dec. 10 – Farmers and Ranchers College, Dr. David Kohl, Bruning Opera House, Bruning, NE 1:00-4:00 pm, brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu
  • Dec. 11-12 –Nebraska Ag Classic, Mid-Town Holiday Inn, Grand Island, contact Ginger Jelinek, 402-450-5189 http://www.neagclassic.org
  • Dec. 13 – UBBNRD CropTip, 9:30-3:00 p.m. York Auditorium
  • Dec. 13 – Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshop, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Osceola, Fairgrounds, Coleen Pallas 402-747-2321
  • Dec. 14 – Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo, 8:30-2:30, Saunders County Fairgrounds in Wahoo, http://ardc.unl.edu/soyexpo.shtm

Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you and your families had a happy Thanksgiving!  Both our son and daughter were back this past week to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a Big Red Football game.  It’s been several years since our son has been back, so it was a great week.  We do have many things to be thankful for!

Cropping Update
You can see from the list of coming events, we have several great agricultural updates and informational meetings planned for the area during the month of December.  I hope you’ll take advantage and attend several of them.

The Nebraska Corn Growers annual meeting will be held December 12 in Grand Island at the Midtown Holiday Inn during the Nebraska Ag Classic.  The Nebraska Ag Classic represents the combined efforts of twelve different agricultural, commodity, and ag leadership organizations to provide to those attending our conference one of the largest and best events to be held in Nebraska. To register, go to: http://www.neagclassic.org.

From looking at the program, it looks like they have a dynamic set of speakers and a trade show planned for this year.  I hope you’ll consider attending as well as joining the York County Corn Grower Association.  We’re currently working on a new York County Corn Grower website, but to learn more about or join the Nebraska/York County Corn Grower go to: http://www.necga.org/

Irrigators may want to consider attending a Deficit Irrigation Management Workshop planned for December 7 at the Monsanto Water Utilization and Learning Center near Gothenburg.  At this workshop, University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers and extension specialists will report on a long-term research program on deficit irrigation and share recommendations based on what they learned.  The workshop will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.  Cost is $25 and CCA credits can be available.  Please register to Chuck Burr at chuck.burr@unl.edu  (308-696-6740) or Gary Stone at gstone2@unl.edu (308‐632‐1230) by Dec. 4.

Presentations will address both one-year and multi-year plans for reduced water availability. Recent crop responses to water stress will be examined along with the impact of irrigation pumping capacity.  Attendees will receive tools and guidelines to plan and manage limited irrigation water supplies to maximize the value of their water supply.  More information and promotional flier can be found at:  http://water.unl.edu/web/cropswater/home.  Check out the “Did You Know” link on the right hand side of the page!

Dr. David Kohl to Speak
I’ve mentioned it before, but just a reminder, that Dr. David Kohl will be the featured speaker on Monday, December 10, at the Opera House in Bruning for one of the Farmers & Ranchers College workshops.  His topic is “Agriculture: What’s Around the Corner & Down the Road”.   It should be an interesting and informative presentation!  For more information or to register, contact Brandy VanDeWalle at 402-759-3712 to reserve your spot!  The presentation will be from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.