Home Events Faith Evangelical Bible Church Going to Oaxaca Mexico

Faith Evangelical Bible Church Going to Oaxaca Mexico


Faith Evangelical Bible Church youth groups plan to take a mission trip on July 5th– 12th there’s a total of 8 students going.

The youth group will be going to Oaxaca, Mexico to work within the local church along with another church that missionary David Lopez is affiliated with.

Crale Swanson, youth pastor will be going on the mission’s trip as well, “Hurricane Agatha hit the Oaxaca area on May 29th causing all sorts of damage, so we will be spending two days doing relief work on the coast.”

The youth group has put on many different fundraisers, on Saturday June 11th they had a garage sale with a church-wide sale in the fellowship hall where they ended up raising money for their trip.

Another fundraiser put on by the youth will be on the 14th of June, “We will be providing food for the farmers market at the Henderson downtown park from 5-7.”

Garage Sale Fundraiser

Hunter Perez, one of the eight students going expresses his excitement for serving the Lord, “this is going to be my first time outside of the states, so I’m really excited to experience another culture.”

Hunter saw this trip as a great opportunity to share the word of God with others. “I wanted to go on this trip because it would be a great chance to strengthen my faith in Jesus while sharing God’s word with others.”

The service we provide is not ultimately for man but for the Lord as Ephesians 6:7 says, “serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not people”

We wish safe travels as the FEBC youth group heads to Oaxaca, Mexico next month.