Home School Verenike for Sale from the Heartland Band Parents

Verenike for Sale from the Heartland Band Parents


Even though Smorgasbord was canceled this year, you can still enjoy verenike and ham available from the Heartland Band Parents Association.

Frozen verenike is available by the dozen and comes with cooking instructions, cubed ham, and the cream gravy recipe so you can make your own smorgasbord meal at home.

The cost is $25 per dozen with about 0.5 lb of ham included.

If you want to purchase verenike, contact Kori Lewis (Cell 402-363-9796). You can pick up your orders starting on Tuesday (March 24) at the Lewis residence (1240 10th St Henderson).

If you purchased tickets for Smorgasbord, you can receive a refund from the school, or talk to who you purchased your tickets from; otherwise, we thank you for your donation to the Heartland Band Program.

If you wish to make a monetary donation to the band program, you can send checks made out to the Heartland Band Parents to Jay Dee Janzen (2406 E7 Rd Henderson, NE 68371) or take checks to Henderson State Bank in Henderson.

A special thank you to Lichti TV Appliances & Furniture in York for the use of the freezers.