Home Events Benefit Supper for Goertzen Family on February 5

Benefit Supper for Goertzen Family on February 5


In January, a fire destroyed Jay and Elizabeth Goertzen’s home. Thankfully, they and their 4 children were unharmed. As the family looks to the future, a benefit supper has been organized for them.

The Henderson community (and surrounding areas) is invited to join together for an evening of love and support for the family on Friday, February 5, at 5:00 p.m. A Spaghetti Supper will take place in the Fellowship Hall of Bethesda Mennonite Church (a gluten free option will be available).

The meal will be free, but monetary donations are requested which will go directly to Jay and Elizabeth to help with future expenses of rebuilding their home.

If you would like to give, but are unable to attend the event, you are encouraged to contact the Bethesda Mennonite Church office at (402) 723-4562 or bethesda@mainstaycomm.net.

There is also a page on Facebook for the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/450825535124122/