Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism Upcoming Heritage Park Kids Camps

Upcoming Heritage Park Kids Camps

Reenacting the long journey to America.
Children filling out passports at last year's camp.
Children filling out passports at last year’s camp.

Two unique Kids Day Camps will be held this summer at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park. The first one “Christmas in July” is in keeping with this year’s Community Days theme.  It will be held Wednesday, July 9, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for ages 8-12. Kids will make denim dolls, Ned & Nettie, and traditional Christmas snacks during this session.

The second camp is a fun morning reenacting the immigrants long journey from Russia to Henderson. Kids will pack their suitcases and learn firsthand what it was like to make an ocean voyage and cross country railroad ride before arriving in Henderson in 1874. It will be held Wednesday, July 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m. for ages 5-12.

Pre-register by Monday, July 7, for “Christmas in July and Monday, July 14, for “Russia to Henderson Journey” by calling Marj Smith at 402-723-5793. There is a fee for each class and session sizes are limited. Both camps will be held at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park located just north of Henderson on the west side of the spur.

Reenacting the long journey to America.
Reenacting the long journey to America.