Home Living Health Live Healthier in 2025

Live Healthier in 2025


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

Sometimes, we look at everything with the thought, “How will this affect my weight?” For a moment, let’s take a break from thinking about ways to manage our weight. Sound good? Let’s look at our bodies as a friend instead of foe. Being healthy isn’t one size. Health comes in different sizes and shapes.

If you are looking at a new year’s goal of being healthier, that’s great! A good first step is to check with your health care provider or registered dietician for guidance and what will work best for you. 

Think about these tips for moving toward a healthier YOU:

  1. Plan on eating better instead of “going on a diet.” Follow a plan that you can stay with for life. 
  2. Being active, along with your eating plan, helps you have greater success. The suggested guidelines from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion are:
    1. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week, such as brisk walking. Or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, such as jogging. Or a mix of the two.
    2. Strength training activity two or more days a week, such as lifting weights or using a stretch band. 

To learn more: https://odphp.health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines/current-guidelines 

  1. Sleep can help you have more energy, stay well, and have clearer thinking. Follow a sleep routine and be active to help you have better quality of sleep. 
  2. Track your progress. Writing down what we do and what we put in our mouth help us to be more mindful of our habits.  
  3. Be patient with yourself. Change takes time. Take a break when you need it.
  4. Find your “Why”. Write down why you want to be healthier. Is it so you have energy to play with your grandkids? Is it so that you have better blood pressure? Read your “Why” often to help you stay focused on your goals.

Visit this link for tips on living healthy: https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-weight-growth/about/tips-for-balancing-food-activity.html 

As we begin a new year, let’s be more mindful of how we spend our time, how we take care of our body, and how we love those around us. 

Four Corners offers support for healthy living through resources, education, and linking to area programs. For questions or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov. Visit the Four Corners website at https://fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel @fc_healthdept!