Home Living Health Create Healthy Holiday Traditions

Create Healthy Holiday Traditions


Four Corners Health Dept. Press Release

Candy canes, movie marathons, gingerbread houses, cookies, driving around looking at Christmas lights, hot cocoa, and of course more cookies. This time of year is often full of lots of sweet treats and activities that don’t require much movement. It’s also dark and cold so we’re less likely to spend time outdoors. 

But we’re here to tell you that being healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Here are some tips to help you survive the holiday season and create some healthy traditions.

Enjoy the cookies (in moderation) but plan a way to burn off the extra calories. Find a neighborhood that has lots of Christmas lights and walk instead of drive. Plan an active fun family activity. There are holiday minute-to-win-it-type games, many of which require movement. 

Try an outdoor winter activity. Build a snowman, make snow angels, make a fort, have a snowball fight, go ice skating, and the list goes on! Just because it’s cold that doesn’t mean there aren’t fun things to do outside. 

Find fun, healthier foods to include rather than just sweets. A popular option is a meat and cheese tray or perhaps a veggie and fruit tray. Don’t be afraid to try a new recipe! Sometimes, family gatherings are the best place to experiment. 

Take a break from the screens and read a book together as a family. There are lots of great holiday stories. You could even play a card or board game. Maybe try to do some trivia and keep your brain active too! 

Perhaps most importantly, remember to take time for yourself and to rest as well. This time of year can be stressful as things continue to get added – more parties, caroling, gift shopping, cookie exchanges, and more! Take a break. Breathe. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it. In fact, someone may be more than happy to give you that gift – taking time to help you. 

More information can be found here: https://health.choc.org/healthy-holiday-traditions-for-families/

Or here: https://centennialmedical.com/how-to-create-healthier-family-holiday-traditions/

For questions or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573 or email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov

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