Home Events 2024 Annual German Smorgasbord March 16 Featuring Special Tribute for Retiring Mr....

2024 Annual German Smorgasbord March 16 Featuring Special Tribute for Retiring Mr. Royce Schweitzer


The annual Band German Smorgasbord will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024. The meal will be served from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and a band concert will be held at 7:45 p.m. Adult tickets cost $20, and children ages 4-12 cost $10. Any child under the age of 4 is free. Tickets are available now and may be purchased from any band member or by calling (402-723-4434) or stopping by the Heartland School offices. Tickets must be purchased in advance. 

Long-time Heartland band instructor Royce Schweitzer will retire at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Mr. Schweitzer had taught for a total of 51 years, 48 of those years at Heartland. The Heartland Band Organization would like to take some time to honor his dedication and success at this year’s Smorgasbord.

This will be Heartland’s final band concert with Mr. Schweitzer. We invite students, parents, and community members to submit words of appreciation, a fun memory or story, and pictures throughout the years to create a sideshow and memory book to be gifted to Mr. Schweitzer.

These can be emailed to heartlandsmorgasbord@gmail.com. Please submit your memories by March 1st.

We also invite all band alumni, anyone who has had Mr. Schweitezer as their instructor, to join us at the 7:45 p.m. concert. Let’s fill the gym with all the students he has impacted throughout the years!

Follow along on the Smorgasbord Facebook page for updates and information https://www.facebook.com/germansmorgasbord/