Home Sports Football Heartland 2014 & 2015 Football Schedules Available

Heartland 2014 & 2015 Football Schedules Available


This week, the NSAA released 2014 and 2015 football schedules for Nebraska high schools.

Heartland 2014 Schedule:
Week 1 BYE
Week 2 McCool Junction
Week 3 @Nebraska Christian
Week 4 Blue Hill
Week 5 High Plains Community
Week 6 @Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family
Week 7 @Cross County
Week 8 Harvard
Week 9 @Nebraska Lutheran

Heartland 2015 Schedule:
Week 1 BYE
Week 2 @McCool Junction
Week 3 Nebraska Christian
Week 4 @Blue Hill
Week 5 @High Plains Community
Week 6 Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family
Week 7 Cross County
Week 8 @Harvard
Week 9 Nebraska Lutheran

For a complete listing of all schools, visit: https://nsaahome.org/fb.php