Home News Heartland Distributes Laptops as Part of Technology Initiative

Heartland Distributes Laptops as Part of Technology Initiative [PHOTOS]

comp night
Media Specialist Gina Mestl distributes laptops to anxious students.

In an effort to create a level educational playing field and equip students with 21st century technology, Heartland Community Schools just distributed laptops to each 7th-12th grader to use throughout the school year.

While the students do not own the computers, they are on loan to them throughout the year to use for education, similar to how a textbook system works. Students will take their computers home each evening to access for schoolwork and charge them for the next day. Teachers have the option to keep classroom textbooks as well or use material that the students will access through their computer.

The student along with at least one parent had to attend a meeting last night to clarify proper use of the computer. Once agreements were signed, students were presented with a MacBook Air Laptop, a charger, and a padded carrying case for the device.

The distribution of computers at a 1:1 ratio is part of Heartland’s Technology Initiative. For more information, you can visit the school’s technology page at: http://www.heartlandschools.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/Technology

Photos courtesy of Deb Mierau

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