Home News Heartland 3rd & 4th Grade Present New Book

Heartland 3rd & 4th Grade Present New Book


Book sales were brisk at the Epp Barn where Heartland 3rd and 4th graders were busy autographing and selling their new book hot off the press titled “USS Ultra School Stories: Then and Now”.  This is the 11th book published by Heartland students and their teachers and as always is a “must” read.

Around 125 people attended the 4th grade presentation of their new book on Wednesday, May 18th at 1 P.M. upstairs in the Epp Barn loft at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park.  As a barn swallow circled above, students eagerly read a selection of their stories including a “snake soup” story by a second generation 4th grader whose father also had Mrs. Ratzlaff as a teacher.

The book is very entertaining with many stories, pictures, graphics and poetry.  It is available for purchase at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park for $10.  Proceeds from the sale of these books goes towards the park.

From Contributor Shannon Siebert


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