HCS Week in Review, December 2-7
Due to blowing snow and icy roads, Heartland students had a longer Thanksgiving break than planned as school let out early last Tuesday. Classes...
Sponsor Spotlight: The Headquarters Hair and Tanning Salon
Our Sponsor Spotlight for the month of November is The Headquarters Hair and Tanning Salon, located downtown Henderson just south of The Foodmart grocery...
HCS Week in Review: November 18-23
This week marked the beginning of basketball practice for high school. Their first games will be on Friday, December 6 at home against Wilber...
Who Can? We Can! Canning Meat for...
Once again The Mennonite Central Committee's (MCC) mobile canner is making its way across the US and Canada, stopping in 34 locations to can...
HCS Week in Review, November 11-16
A celebration was held in the theater on Monday morning in honor of Veteran's Day. Elementary and high school groups sang, and the winners...
Upcoming Christmas Events in Henderson
This year Henderson will hold two events to celebrate the Holiday Season. On Tuesday, December 3, the Annual Spirit of Christmas will kick-off the...
Henderson Heritage Workshop/Granary Tour
The annual Heritage Christmas Tour of Homes has taken a new twist this year! You won’t want to miss this unique tour featuring area...
HCS Week in Review: November 4-9
A fun evening of great choral music was shared Monday at the Fall Vocal Concert by the 5th - 12th grade choir members under...