Home Faith Higher Ground – “Education & Learning Never Stops” from Pastor David Feddern

Higher Ground – “Education & Learning Never Stops” from Pastor David Feddern


Families have recently finished the process for starting the upcoming school year with their children. Students are currently studying algebra, biology, calculus, chemistry, geography, geometry, physics, social studies, spelling, and more as you read this. But what is the most important subject God’s children can study? 

King Solomon, considered by many to be the wisest man ever to live, had the answer in Proverbs 22, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” In other words, teach your child about God, their heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and God, the Holy Spirit. Train a child to go in the way of the Lord and not the way of the world.

Soon, there will also be multiple ways to study and learn from our Triune God in our area churches:  Sunday School for ages 3-18, Young Adult classes, Older Adult class, Midweek classes on Wednesday nights for Grades 4-8, Middle School youth group (Gr. 6-8), High School youth group (Gr. 9-12), and various other Bible studies tailored to meet anyone’s needs. There are Christian education opportunities for everyone from Ages 3 to 103. Will you and your children be a part of them?  Will you make Christian education a priority for your family this school year? We pray that you do, and we look forward to seeing you in class soon!

Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with Your most gracious favor, and further us with Your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in You we may glorify Your holy name and finally, by Your mercy, obtain eternal salvation; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

September Blessings!

Pastor David A. Feddern

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS)-Hampton