Home News Heartland Band Invited to Perform at Danger Football Game

Heartland Band Invited to Perform at Danger Football Game


A week after the Heartland Band was named the overall winner of the Harvest of Harmony Parade this past fall, band director Royce dangerSchweitzer received a unique email. The email was from Mike McCoy, general manager of the Nebraska Danger Indoor Football Team, inviting the band to play at one of the Danger’s football games.

Although Schweitzer said throughout his career that he has never had an experience like this, or even been to an indoor football game, he was excited about the opportunity. When he informed the band of the invite, they too were thrilled to be asked and readily accepted.

This weekend is the date that Heartland Band will be performing. The game takes place Saturday, March 1, at 7:00 p.m. at the Heartland Events Center in Grand Island. The band will lead the game with the “Star Spangled Banner” and also be playing in the end zones at halftime.