Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [December 5, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Dec. 9, 2013 – Farmers & Ranchers College, 1:00 p.m., Opera House, Bruning
  • Dec. 10, 2013 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York
  • Dec. 16, 2013 – Mid-Plains Beef Grazing Workshop, 9:30 a.m., ARDC, Ithaca
  • Dec. 19, 2013 – Nebraska Soybean Day & Machinery Expo, 9:00 a.m., ARDC, Ithaca
  • Dec. 23, 2013 – Extension Board Exec. Meeting, 12:00 noon, Extension Office, York
  • Jan. 9, 2014 – Crop Production Clinic, Hastings Register at: http://cpc.unl.edu/
  • Jan. 15, 2014 – Crop Production Clinic, York Register at: http://cpc.unl.edu/

December 10th Landlord/Tenant Lease Workshop
If you have not registered yet, this Friday, December 6, is the final date to sign up for our Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshop planned for Dec 10! The workshop will begin at 6:30 p.m. and conclude at about 9:30 p.m., and will be held in the 4-H Building, 2400 Nebraska Avenue here in York.

Topics to be discussed include:
— Latest information about land values and cash rental rates for the area and state;
— Expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property;
— Lease termination, including terminating handshake or verbal leases;
— Lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord;
— Alternative cash lease arrangements, flexible provision considerations for your situation; and
— Other topics, like irrigation systems, hay rent, pasture rental agreements, and grain bin rental will be covered as time allows.

This free workshop is sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board and the North Central Risk Management Agency. Refreshments and handouts will be provided. To register, please contact the UNL Extension Office in York County at 402-362-5508 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.

Positioning Your Business for Agriculture’s Next Decade
The next Farmers & Ranchers College program will be held December 9, 2013, at the Opera House in Bruning, NE, starting at 1:00 p.m. This program will feature Dr. David Kohl, Professor Emeritus with the Dept. of AAEC, VA TECH and will discuss the wild world of global and domestic economics with “black swans” or unusual events around every corner.

Dr. Kohl will discuss the major game changers influencing the agriculture landscape along with a quick tour of global economics and how it is influencing land values, commodities, and input costs. Is agriculture in an asset or credit bubble? What can you do financially in this business environment to capitalize on the economic volatility? Dr. Kohl will give tips on management practices that will help you think globally but act locally in strategic and everyday decision-making.

Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo
The annual Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo will be held in the pavilion on the Saunders Co. Fairgrounds in Wahoo on Thursday, December 19, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and concluding at 2:30 p.m.

Speakers start at 9 a.m., topics will include:
The World of Weather and Agriculture – Dr. Elwynn Taylor, Climatologist, Iowa State University
5 Tips for Profitable Soybean Yields – Farmer and President of Calmer Research, Marion Calmer, Alpha, Illinois
Markets – The Soybean and Corn Complex – Darin Newsom, DTN Senior Analyst
Research Report – No-till vs Strip Till Discovering Production Answers on Your Farm, Keith Glewen, Extension Educator

Registration is available the day of the expo at the door. For more information about the program or exhibitor information, call (800) 529-8030 or e-mail kglewen1@unl.edu.

This program is sponsored by UNL Extension in the university’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Nebraska Soybean Board, Saunders County Soybean Growers Organization and private industry. There is no registration fee. Program details at: http://go.unl.edu/q08a. It looks to be an excellent program so I hope you’ll have an opportunity to attend.

In an effort to help stop hunger, the Saunders County Soybean Growers Organization requests that each participant donate one or more cans of nonperishable food to the food pantry.

Free Farm Finance Clinics in December
One-on-one, confidential Farm Finance Clinics are held across the state each month. An experienced ag law attorney and ag financial counselor will be available to address farm and ranch issues related to financial planning, estate and transition planning, farm loan programs, debtor/creditor law, water rights, and other relevant matters.

To sign up for a clinic or to get more information, call Michelle at the Nebraska Farm Hotline at 1-800-464-0258. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Legal Aid of Nebraska sponsor these clinics.

Clinic Sites and Dates
•Grand Island – Thursday, Dec. 5
•Fairbury – Thursday, Dec. 5
•North Platte – Thursday, Dec. 12
•Valentine –Tuesday, Dec. 17
•Norfolk – Wednesday, Dec. 18
•Fairbury – Thursday, Dec. 19

UNL BeefWatch Newsletter
Are you involved in the beef industry or interested in the latest beef information? We have a new electronic newsletter called UNL BeefWatch. The latest issue can be found at: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef.

Topics this month include: Milk: The Double-edged Sword of the Beef Cowherd, Backgrounding Calves with Corn Again, Nebraska BQA: Effective Cattle Handling, Worried About Hormones?, UNL Extension AgriTools, Forage and Grazing Tips and much more!

While at the site, you can subscribe and get email updates when the latest issue has been posted. Like CropWatch, UNL BeefWatch is a great site for the latest beef production information.

Crop Production Clinics Planned
It’s hard to believe that 2014 is just around the corner. The series of 2014 Crop Production Clinics will be beginning January 7 with the first one in our area on January 9 in Hastings. The one in York will be on January 15. Cost for the clinic will be $60.00 if you enroll ahead on line at: http://cpc.unl.edu/ or $75.00 the day of the program. These Crop Production Clinics will be a way to renew your license in any of the following Commercial Pesticide categories: Ag Plant (01), Regulatory (REG) or Demonstration/Research (D/R). If you are a Private Pesticide Applicators you can also renew your license.

Lawn and Garden
We’ve continued to have typical not so typical Nebraska weather. This past week alone, we’ve had high temperatures in the mid 60’s° F as well as just making it to 32° F, with lows of 5° F. I’m pretty sure we’re getting near the end of the season for mowing. I saw many people out mowing lawns to pickup or mulch the leaves into the turf. Our turf specialist has shared a couple updates on controlling weeds in buffalo grass with dormant herbicide applications as well the importance of regular mowing into the fall. Research has shown that mulching those tree leave into the lawn has a beneficial effect. Check these articles out at: http://turf.unl.edu/ and take their survey to help improve the site.