Home Entertainment Drama Heartland Drama Club Preforming “Imperfect Proposal” in David City Today

Heartland Drama Club Preforming “Imperfect Proposal” in David City Today


The Heartland Drama Club has been busy preparing their one act play, “Imperfect Proposal” by Lisa Parry.  The one act will be competing at the conference competition on November 14th in David City and at the district competition on November 29th at Cross County.  The students will also present the one act for the community after the band concert on November 22nd.

“Imperfect Proposal” includes Ben (Cody Kroeker) attempting to propose to his girlfriend, Kate (Ashley Quiring), while at a picnic in the park.  An elderly couple, William and Ella (Jonathan Larson and Gina Grady), watch and compare the situation to their own relationship. Many untimely visitors, including Kate’s ex-boyfriend, Andrew (Lincoln Ruybalid), interrupt each proposal attempt.

The cast includes Jonathan Larson, Gina Grady, Cody Kroeker, Ashley Quiring, Colton Siebert, Parker Goertzen, Ashton Kroeker, Tierney Casper, Abigail Bechtel, Emily Ott, Aubrey DeBraal, Kaci Hiebner, Lincoln Ruybalid, and Kaitlyn Quiring.  Helping with props, costumes, makeup, hair, and stage crew include Rachelle Allen, Samantha Boardman, Sara Brune, Sondra Buller, Rachel King, Lewanna Marsolek, Caitlin Ramsey, Sheppard Ruybalid, and Coby Steingard.

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