Friday, March 28, 2025


Home Events

Public Reception for Sue Sullivan

Describing the most caring, understanding, generous, and hardworking nurse would take this whole article. What Sue Sullivan RN-C has meant to this community can...

“Cheating Death” One-Act Play on Friday

Everyone is invited to the community performance of "Cheating Death" a one-act play by Kamron Klitgaard, on Friday, October 28, at 7:00 p.m. in...

Spirit of Christmas November 30

Celebrate the Spirit of Christmas on Thursday, November 30, from 5:00-7:30 p.m. on Main Street and around Henderson as various businesses roll out the...

Country Gospel Concert [POSTER]

A country gospel concert will be held Sunday, November 30, at 3:00 p.m. at the Heartland Community School theater. The concert will be an...

Fun for All Ages at the Back to School Carnival

ALL AGES are invited to attend a Back-to-School Carnival on September 28, 2014, from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Heartland Community School in Henderson. The star attractions of...

Bethesda Preschool Kids Night Out

Copies of this flyer with registration forms on the back can be found at Bethesda.  

Benefit Dinner and Auction for Spencer Prentice

A Chili Benefit Dinner and Auction will be held this Saturday, November 9, for Heartland student Spencer Prentice. Spencer suffered from a brain AVM...