Home School Alumni Alumni Column: Kristine (Goertzen) Reeves

Alumni Column: Kristine (Goertzen) Reeves


Written by Brandi Clement

Since graduating a semester earlier than her class in December of 2016, Kristine (Goertzen) Reeves has spent the majority of her time pursuing a photography career in the Black Hills of South Dakota, loving every minute of it. Originally, Kristine moved to Lincoln for one year upon graduating before moving to Rapid City, South Dakota. With her work there, she has since hired two associate photographers who work under her.

Photo Credit: Jordan Voth Photography

Kristine got started with photography a few years ago when she had some health issues causing her to stay in a dark room all day. “My doctor suggested I try taking some nature photos to get me outside without too much effort. Then a friend asked me to take her senior photos, and then more people started asking me when they saw hers. Then, two months later, I got asked to do a wedding. It just exploded from there,” she explained.

Commenting about what she loves in her profession, she explained, “I’ve gotten to travel a ton all across the world. It has lead to some great connections and been a really cool experience. I also get to work on my own time which is really nice.” Some of the phenomenal places Kristine has been include Iceland, France, Italy, Hawaii, and many other places. She and her now husband, Josh Reeves, have enjoyed living in the Black Hills together. “It’s been awesome [moving to South Dakota]. Lincoln was starting life on my own. Then, moving eight hours away was definitely a time of learning and growing. I had to start a new clientele base and had to implement new ideas into my business, both of which happened quickly,” said Kristine.

Growing up in Henderson has shaped Kristine in many ways, “I realized that not many people have grown up in a small town with farm life. I take it for granted sometimes, such as knowing everyone and being so close with others. I’ve come to appreciate it a lot more.”

“If I could give advice to my just graduated self, it would be to slow down a little bit. Life is different when you move, so don’t take for granted the childhood years.” In September, Kristine and Josh will be moving to the Middle East. Josh will be getting a certificate in Middle Eastern Studies and Kristine will be taking Arabic classes while also doing photography, both in Dubai and in Europe. They hope to end up in Dubai long-term, so this move will be a stepping stone for their possible permanent move. For the rest of the summer, Kristine and Josh will be working and prepping for their move overseas.

Contact Heartland Beat if you would like to be featured on the Alumni Column or if you would like to know more about a Heartland Community Schools graduate.