Home Other Entertainment Paul Siebert to Sing at Community Days

Paul Siebert to Sing at Community Days


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Help us kick off this year’s Henderson Community Days by attending the Chamber Beef BBQ and listening to Paul Siebert in the Downtown Park on Friday, July 12.  The meal will be served from 5:00-7:00 p.m. with Paul Siebert performing from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

For over 30 years, Paul Siebert’s quality blend of family entertainment and music has delighted thousands of people through out the Midwest with his unique style and a vast repertoire of popular American music that is seconded to none. Paul uses only acoustic instruments and vocals to play his wide range of music including American popular tunes covering all genres of folk, classical, rock and roll, folk rock, and country western.

Paul’s real passion is in his singer songwriter abilities.  He has recorded several CD’s of his own original material full of heartfelt stories of family, childhood and growing up in the Midwest.  You can find CD’s and hear music samples at: www.paulsiebertlive.com.

Don’t miss this Henderson native in concert after the Chamber Beef BBQ on Friday, July 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Downtown Park during Community Days.

Kelsey Bergen