Home Living Health Four Corners Health Dept. – Dry January: Reflect on Alcohol Habit

Four Corners Health Dept. – Dry January: Reflect on Alcohol Habit


Four Corners Press Release

Dry January is a time when people take a break from drinking alcohol and think about what drives their alcohol use.  Maybe you need a break because you drank too much during the holidays.  Or perhaps you are just taking an inventory of your habits.  Whatever the reason, we want your reflection to be successful!  Why should you participate in Dry January?  Alcohol can affect many parts of your life.  It can impact your sleep, behavior, health, and relationships.  A break gives you a chance to find alternative ways to deal with stress, relax, and/or socialize.  

Taking a break from alcohol can help you:

  • Reflect on your drinking habits.  See how alcohol affects you physically and mentally.
  • Start the year with a healthy habit.  Try adding healthy behaviors into your normal routine.
  • Improve your sleep and energy.  
  • Save money.  Cut back on the amount you are spending on alcohol.
  • Explore non-alcoholic alternatives.  You can still relax, cope with stress, and be social without the extra effects of alcohol.
  • Lose a few pounds.  You may lose some weight if you choose to cut back on the extra calories from alcohol.

If you choose to take a break from alcohol, here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  • Figure out what makes you choose to drink alcohol.  Is it to have fun, deal with stress, or fall asleep?  Think about ways that you can accomplish the same thing without using alcohol.  Try playing board games at a party, taking a walk or hike, or do some yoga.
  • Talk to friends and family about your plan.  Ask them to join you so you can be supportive of each other.
  • Make sure alcohol-free beverages are available at parties and gatherings.  Be supportive of those who don’t drink alcohol.  Be sure to have someone supportive of your choices.
  • Pay attention to how you feel during your break from alcohol.  Are you sleeping better?  Do you have more energy?  Do you have more money in your bank account?  Make notes of the positive changes to help keep you going.
  • Have a plan for when your break ends.  When we change our habits, it is easy to fall back into old patterns.  Make sure you have a long-term plan.

If you feel better when you aren’t drinking or when you lessen drinking, your body is telling you something.  Listen to your body.

If you choose to continue drinking after your break, please make sure to do so in moderation and stay within recommended guidelines:

  • Limit alcohol to 1 drink or less for women or two drinks or less for men per day on average.