Home Events Russian Oven Pizza Night Photo Gallery

Russian Oven Pizza Night Photo Gallery


Zach Wayne Miller with Braden Janzen provided plenty of live music while the crowd enjoyed pizzas and root beer floats the the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park Sunday evening!

Sunday evening was buzzing with live music, hot pizzas, and good old-fashioned root beer floats at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park! Visitors could sit comfortably in the growing shade from the Epp barn and enjoy listening to Zach Miller perform his country tunes alongside guitarist Braden Janzen. This was the second year this event was held, and it was a real success, with around 200 pizzas served.

Blanche Franz, Wilma Dick, Jennie Friesen, and Darlene Janzen are all enjoying their root beer floats!
Cecil Huebert and his wife Janet enjoy their root beer float in a quiet spot at the Heritage Park.