Home Events Heritage Park Annual Pancake Feed Saturday July 13 During Henderson Community Days

Heritage Park Annual Pancake Feed Saturday July 13 During Henderson Community Days


Heritage Park volunteers Arlin Hiebner, Randy Ratzlaff, and Dale Steingard man the grill at the annual Heritage Park Pancake Feed!

The grill will be fired up early Saturday morning during Henderson Community Days to kick off the day with a pancake feed at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park. Come out for fresh pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee. Serving will begin at 6:30 a.m. through 9:30 a.m. at the Epp Barn.

There is plenty of seating upstairs in the loft or outside the barn on picnic tables. A free-will offering will be taken for the pancake feed, with all proceeds supporting the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park. The Heritage Park will be open from 1-4 p.m. for visits on Friday and Saturday, featuring storytelling tours at an admission price of $10. The Heritage Park is located 1 1/2 miles south of the Henderson I-80 exit #342.