Home Events MUMS: How to Live Deeply in Our Divine Design

MUMS: How to Live Deeply in Our Divine Design


Speaker: Karen Goertzen

Monday, April 8, 2024 7 p.m.

Have you ever struggled with knowing how you fit in the Body of Christ? Perhaps you attend services regularly and volunteer to help here and there when a need is shared but don’t necessarily feel deeply involved or connected with the mission and vision of the church.

Similarly, you may be serving your family, working a full or part-time job outside the home, but wonder if there is more to what your life is about. Perhaps you sense a desire to make a difference beyond those areas of responsibility.

The Scriptures teach that God has designed us to be part of His mission and vision for the world. We have been spiritually endowed with the divine ability to impact the world around us for HIS glory. Come and find out more about how we can live more deeply into our divine design.

Everyone is welcome to attend MUMS (Mothers Uplifting Mothers) on Monday, April 8 at 7 p.m. at the Faith Evangelical Bible Church fellowship hall. Coffee is on at 6:30 for those who want to come early for fellowship.