Home News New Pastor at Faith Evangelical Bible Church

New Pastor at Faith Evangelical Bible Church


Faith Evangelical Bible Church is excited to announce God’s provision of a new Senior Pastor, Bryan and Faith Conrad!

Bryan Conrad spent 13 years in law enforcement in Iowa before being called into ministry in 2010.  He served as an associate Pastor at Hillside Missionary Church in Clarinda and then was called to serve as the Senior Pastor at Grace Missionary Church in Milford, Nebraska for nearly seven years.  His studies included continuing education for ministry at Moody Bible Institute. He was licensed and ordained with the Midwest District of The Missionary Church.  Bryan is passionate about the Word of God, sharing the gospel, strengthening families, and teaching others how to inductively study God’s Word for themselves.

Bryan’s wife, Faith, grew up in Chicago and attended Moody Bible Institute.  Faith loves serving the Lord with her husband through her gifts of music and teaching young children.  They have 2 children, Rebekah (11) and Micaiah (9).

The Conrad family began ministry at FEBC in August.  An installation service will be held in the morning worship service at 10:30 a.m. on August 28th.  The public is invited to join us for this special service.  Faith Evangelical Bible Church is located at 740 South Main Street, Henderson, Nebraska.