Home Sports Boys Golf Boys Golf Finished 13 at State

Boys Golf Finished 13 at State


Heartland boys golf competed in state May 24th-25th at Elks Country Club, the boys finished 13th out of 15 as a team.

Creighton Friesen finished and tied for 41st place, the first day he shot a 97 and the second day he shot an 83 which means Creighton finished overall with a 180.

Jacob Regier placed 61st shooting a 90 on his first day and a 99 on his second, this allowed him to finish the tournament with a 189.

Mason Hiebner also tied in the tournament placing 64th, he shot a 99 on his first day and a 93 on his second day finishing with a 192 overall.

Alex Goertzen tied as well, placing 71st, finishing his first day with a 94 and his second day with a 102, his overall score was 196.

Reeve Oswald finished and tied for 84th, his first day score was 103, finishing his second day with a 102, his overall tournament score was 205.

Congratulations to the Huskie boys golf on a great season!