Heartland Boys golf team competed in districts May 17th at Indianhead Golf Course, the boys finished with a 339 placing them 3rd overall as a team which qualifies them for the Class C State meet. The Huskies are coached by Micah Sundberg.
The Huskies will compete at state starting May 24th – 25th at Elks Country Club. Mason Hiebner Placed individually at 10th place hitting an 82.
District results:
Mason Hiebner (12), 82 (10th Place)
Jacob Regier (11), 84
Creighton Friesen (9), 86
Alex Goertzen (12), 87
Reeve Oswald (11), 96
Congratulations to the Heartland Boys Golf team for making it to state! If you happen to see them around town be sure to congratulate them and wish them good luck at state!