Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Jenny Rees

Extension Update by Jenny Rees

Upcoming Events:
Dec. 9: Farmers/Ranchers College: Dr. David Kohl, 1 p.m., Bruning Opera House, Bruning
Dec. 9: Women in Ag: Love of the Land Conference, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Sandhills Convention Center, North Platte, RSVP: https://wia.unl.edu/WMAL
Dec. 10-11: Returning to the Farm Workshop, Columbus, https://go.unl.edu/3h25
Jan. 6: Crop Production Clinic, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte
Jan. 6: York Ag Expo, Holthus Convention Center, York. 9:30 a.m. Pesticide Training, RSVP jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 7: York Ag Expo, Holthus Convention Center, York. 9:30 a.m. Chemigation Training, RSVP jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 11: Crop Production Clinic, Northeast Community College, Norfolk
Jan. 13: Crop Production Clinic, Holiday Inn Express, Beatrice 
Jan. 19: Crop Production Clinic, C3 Hotel & Convention Center, Hastings 
Jan. 21: Crop Production Clinic, ENREC near Ithaca 
Jan. 25-26: No-till on the Plains Winter Conference, Wichita, KS, http://www.notill.org/upcoming-events
Jan. 25: Crop Production Clinic, Younes, Kearney 
Jan. 26: Crop Production Clinic, Holthus Convention Center, York 
Feb. 17: Nebraska On-Farm Research Updates, York

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. That may seem strange as the events surrounding Christmas and Easter are far more impactful eternity-wise. Yet, I just so greatly appreciate the fact that there’s a day for focusing on gratitude.

And, while I’m grateful many choose to intentionally give thanks on Thanksgiving Day, sometimes I wonder what it would look like if we chose to live with gratitude. As I reflect on this year, it just seems like there’s increasing divisiveness, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, depression, and stress. Life is so short and not guaranteed. Relationships are so important and can be fragile.

If we chose to live with gratitude, how would it change us and our perspectives? Would we be less prone to complain and get discouraged when things go wrong? Would we be less likely to argue and more likely to extend kindness and grace to others? How would it impact the divisiveness we see in our country, our communities, our families?

Gratitude can produce joy. I think that’s something we all could use more of! It can allow us to find joy in everyday moments and also share joy with others.

So how do we choose to live with gratitude? A start can be to intentionally seek at least one thing each day for which to be thankful. At first it can be difficult and perhaps awkward. For some, it’s hard to even think of one thing. Perhaps a starting point can be gratitude for one’s home, bed, food, vehicle, job, friend or family member, etc.? Over time of practicing this, one’s perspective can change to even finding gratitude as things go wrong. For example, I drive a lot and had several vehicle problems this past year. For the situations when I chose to find gratitude instead of discouragement (such as thanking God that He allowed it to happen where it did instead of elsewhere or thanking God for the times a farmer was in the area to help me), it helped my mindset and provided peace instead of being upset. I’m not good about this all the time, but it sure helps my mindset and increases my perspective when I choose gratitude even when things go wrong. Perhaps others can relate to this?

Ultimately, my hope is that we can experience more joy each day in the everyday moments as we intentionally seek to live with gratitude. And, that this joy can be extended via kindness, grace, compassion to others around us. Wishing everyone a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Food Resources: For your Thanksgiving meal check out https://go.unl.edu/turkey-time for turkey preparation, food safety questions, recipes, and health/wellness topics!

Returning to the Farm: This workshop series is being taught for families that have the next generation of farmers and ranchers coming back to their operations. The workshop helps multi-generations traverse the challenges of successfully succeeding the operation to the next generation. The in-person session will be held Dec. 10-11 in Columbus with follow-up virtual sessions on Jan. 13 and Feb. 10. More information and registration at: https://cap.unl.edu/rtf21.

Ag Budget Calculator (ABC) User’s Workshops (For New and Advanced Users): It’s important to estimate cost of production for our agricultural enterprises, but now with the volatile input and crop prices, it’s even more critical. Knowing your estimated cost of production can assist you in making important management decisions. Ag Budget Calculator (ABC) is one tool to help you enter this information for your ag enterprises. There’s guided virtual workshops from now through February that allow you to be in the ABC program entering your data as instructors demonstrate how to use it and answer your questions. More info. and registration at: https://cap.unl.edu/abc/training.