Love coffee? Love your Phone? Well if so, now you can fall head over heels for this little espresso of love. Starbucks introduces their mobile app and what a latte stuff you can do with it! Get it?!?!

Have you been at Starbucks lately and seen someone pay with their phone? Well, with the Starbucks app, it works and works well at that. The past two weeks, I have been testing out the new Starbucks iPhone app and all of it’s capabilities.
To experience the greatness, you will first need to download the free app (click here to download) onto your device. Once it has been downloaded, open the app and you will be taken to the home screen. This is where you can access all of the tools inside the app such as myDrinks, Favorites, Coffees, Food, Drinks, Jobs, Settings, Help, and even a QR code scanner. Along the bottom of the screen are more options such as myCard, Rewards, eGifts, and Stores.
There are several things you can do with the app, but I will just touch on one and let you discover the rest. So. how do you pay for your coffee with your phone? In order for this feature to work, you will need to have a Starbucks gift card someone has given you or you have purchased. Next, click on myCard at the bottom of the app and it will ask you to punch in the numbers on the gift card into your phone. However much money is on the gift card then will show as your balance on your phone! Once this has been done, you can make your order and press Touch to Pay in the app and a bar code will pop up. The Starbucks Barista will then scan it and the amount owed will be deducted from your balance. As your balance runs low, all you will need to do is continue to load gift cards onto your phone. Pretty cool eh? The first time I tried it, I had to stop myself from bringing in my wallet just to see if I could mentally handle it. Sure enough, the process was seamless and I got my drink by paying with my phone. Imagine that; now only if my phone could just go ahead and make my drink and just serve it to me itself. HA. All in good time.
Oh, and do not get worked up Android & Blackberry users. Like many apps, this one is also available to you and your fellow phone device as well. Check out this video for the newly launched Starbucks Android App.
Blackberry Compatible Devices*
BlackBerry 8800, 8820
BlackBerry Bold 9000, 9650, 9700
BlackBerry Curve 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330, 8350i, 8520, 8530, 8900
BlackBerry Storm 9530
BlackBerry Storm2 9550
BlackBerryTorch 9800
BlackBerry Tour 9630
*Requires Operating systems 4.5 – 5.x